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Category Archives: Sexual Harassment

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California Makes Changes to Sexual Harassment Laws

As more and more women enter the workforce and hold high-ranking positions within a company, more attention has been placed on the topic of sexual harassment. Women and men alike…

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Why Is Sexual Harassment So Hard to Prove?

No matter where you work in California, days probably exist – maybe many of them – when you wish you did not have to be there. Maybe the problem is…

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Power Inequality and Its Effect on Female Harassment

The #MeToo movement has exploded thanks to fed-up women who have endured illegal exploitation in the workplace. Unfortunately, long-held cultural beliefs feed the falsehood that men cannot help their behavior.…

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Men Are Sexually Harassed Too

In recent posts, this blog has discussed numerous ways employees are subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, especially women in fields where this is common, such as the restaurant…

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Making the Arbitration Agreement Optional

When people are hired to work for a company, they may be required to sign an arbitration agreement. What employees may not know, is that when they sign this document,…

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3 Fears in Reporting Sexual Harassment at Work

Many women may justifiably worry about reporting incidents of sexual harassment they experience in the workplace. Following are three of the top fears surrounding reporting sexual harassment at work, and…

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Can Sexual Harassment Be Subtle?

When you hear about sexual harassment in the news, the story may talk about overt acts committed by creepy managers and lecherous customers. While you may know that sexual harassment…

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3 Red Flags You Are a Victim of Sexual Harassment at Work

When you go to work, all you want to do is complete your project and get on with your life. Unfortunately, you may have to deal with a creepy colleague…

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