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How to Heal After Sexual Harassment at Work

Sexual harassment is a painful experience. It can cause much more than just distress or discomfort at the time of the incident. The effects of sexual harassment in the workplace often include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, headaches, muscle aches, and chronic health problems.

If you are a victim of inappropriate behavior at your job, you deserve to heal. Here are some guidelines on how you can recover and regain control of your life after experiencing harassment.

Talk to someone about it

It is okay if you are not ready to confront your harasser or report the problem to your employer. Even if you do not feel prepared to take this step, it is important for you to discuss the incident with a safe and supportive person. This will help you process the information, receive love and advice, and begin the healing process.

Start a journal

Keeping a journal about your experience will help you work through the issue. Journaling allows you to explore your emotions and say whatever is on your mind without any repercussions. Not only does writing about the experience help you recover emotionally, but it can also be useful if you decide to report it to your employer.

Consider counseling

Sexual harassment is traumatic, especially when it involves assault or violence. It can be difficult to cope with this trauma on your own or even with the help of supportive people in your life. If you find it hard to overcome the harassment, you may want to discuss it with a therapist. A mental health professional can give you the tools to recover.

Find closure

A vital aspect of healing from sexual harassment is detaching yourself from the traumatic experience. Putting the past behind you may involve changing jobs, starting a new hobby, or developing new interests. It is important for you to not feel stuck in the same situation.

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