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Roseville Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Roseville Sexual Harassment Attorney

When you are the victim of sexual harassment and need help seeking restitution for the incident, you need a Roseville sexual harassment lawyer with you to handle your case and help you navigate the legal system.

At the Fulton Law Corporation, we know what it takes to help a victim through their sexual harassment case. We have a team that is skilled in employment law, and we’re ready to help you.

Does the Fulton Law Corporation Handle Sexual Harassment Cases?

At the Fulton Law Corporation, we only tackle employment law cases. This allows us to have as much experience as possible with dealing with these often complicated incidents and trying to get the victims the restitution and peace of mind they deserve. Mr. Fulton founded the firm with the idea of providing “measured advice, zealous advocacy, and tireless dedication.”

No matter the employment law issue you have, whether it be wage violations or discrimination, we are here to help you through the process.

What Actions in the Workplace Constitute Sexual Harassment in Roseville?

Workplace sexual harassment comes in many forms, and it is not always easy to recognize if you don’t know what to look for. Understanding what constitutes sexual harassment can help you see it when it happens and recognize the signs. It would be impossible to list every single action that the law considers sexual harassment, so we’ll look at some of the most common and obvious examples.

If you are not sure if your case rises to the level of sexual harassment, you may want to speak to a Roseville attorney about the details of the case to see if they agree that it constitutes filing a claim.

Some of the most common forms of sexual harassment in the Roseville, CA workplace are:

  • Repeatedly asking a coworker on a date. In most circumstances, there is nothing wrong with asking out a coworker. However, if the answer is no, someone cannot pressure your coworker into going on a date with them. Repeatedly asking for a date and being pushy about it is sexual harassment and isn’t acceptable.
  • Making unwelcome comments. Coworkers and supervisors should not make unwanted comments about another person’s appearance or personality. It may seem like a small thing, but unwanted comments, especially those of a crude or sexual nature, make for an uncomfortable workplace and constitute sexual harassment.
  • Quid pro quo. Sometimes, bosses get it into their minds that they can hold a promotion over someone’s head in exchange for sexual favors. This type of quid pro quo is incredibly serious and is never acceptable in the workplace. You should file a complaint as soon as possible if your boss offers to trade promotions or a raise for sexual favors.
  • Unwelcome touching. You shouldn’t touch your coworkers when they don’t wish to be touched. The most common form of unwelcome touching comes from a hug or hand on someone’s shoulder. These actions may make the other party uncomfortable, and they constitute sexual harassment.
  • Sending unwanted messages. Coworkers cannot send sexually suggestive messages or keep sending inappropriate emails. All correspondence between coworkers should be professional. This is also a way that remote workers can still experience sexual harassment despite not working inside of the office.
  • Stalking. It’s not okay to follow a coworker in the office or after work. An employee or supervisor also shouldn’t attempt to block someone’s path to make them feel trapped in a room.
  • Discussing unrelated sexually inappropriate topics. Some jobs require employees to discuss matters related to sex. If it isn’t directly related to work, though, discussions about intercourse should be off-limits for workers. However, these conversations sometimes happen and lead to coworkers feeling uncomfortable and like the victim of sexual harassment.

What Should You Do After You Were the Victim of Sexual Harassment?

There are several steps you need to take after experiencing sexual harassment. Firstly, you should stay calm. You’ll likely be feeling plenty of emotions, but you need to keep your cool to work through this situation. You’ll need to recognize when sexual harassment happens to you, so make sure you know some of the common forms.

Next, you will want to gather any evidence you have for the harassment. Keep a journal of when and where the incidents occurred, then find any written documentation that proves something happened. If any coworkers witnessed the event, you can ask them to corroborate your story.

You should file an official report with your company. Speak with a supervisor or the human resources department and ask them to file an official complaint. If the harassment keeps happening or your company makes no efforts to rectify your situation, you may want to speak with a Roseville attorney about further action you can take and if you have the right to file a claim.

Can I File a Claim for Sexual Harassment in Roseville?

Under California law, it is possible to file a claim against a company for sexual harassment. You’ll need to make sure you go through the proper channels first and report any incident to the company.

If the company doesn’t take appropriate action, you need to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Once you’ve filed with them, you can speak to your attorney about bringing legal action against your company or an individual for any sexual harassment you’ve experienced.

What Is the California Statute of Limitations for Sexual Harassment?

In California, the statute of limitations for sexual harassment is now three years from the date of the incident. This statute changed in 2020 when Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law increasing the time from one year to three years.

Sexual Harassment Compensation

If you take your sexual harassment complaint to court and win, you can expect a settlement and restitution to come your way. There are several possible outcomes for restitution for your incident.

The most common piece of any settlement is receiving back pay for any time you missed because of the harassment. You can also settle for compensation to make up for any promotions or raises the company denied you because of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Anxiety After Workplace Harassment

If the harassment led you to develop anxiety and depression, you can seek to have the company pay for any medical expenses related to recovering from your mental illnesses. If you were wrongfully terminated, you can seek a return to your position as part of the settlement. You can also negotiate for the company to include a program to teach other employees about sexual harassment to help prevent other cases from happening.

You’ll want to speak with a Roseville sexual harassment attorney to have them look over the details of your case and see what a fair settlement should look like.

Do You Need a Lawyer to Help With Your Roseville Sexual Harassment Claim?

While it is possible to handle a sexual harassment case by yourself, it is not the most ideal situation. Sexual harassment is a very emotionally charged crime and can lead you to feel plenty of anger and resentment. It is understandable to be emotionally raw, but those emotions do not put you in a position to be a good litigator or negotiator on your own.

Your attorney can look at your case from an objective point of view and give you an unbiased look at your chances and what you should expect in a settlement. This isn’t to say your attorney will be an emotionless robot, and they will still provide empathy and understanding for what you’re going through. They are willing to give you fair advice and deliver tough talk about the facts of the case if need be.

The Fulton Law Corporation: Seasoned Employment Law Litigators

Hiring an attorney also has the benefit of giving you a fighting chance against a company with a network of attorneys readily available. You likely are not going to know as much about law as an attorney. Having legal counsel on your side can allow you to rest easy and deal with everything else you have to without needing to learn employment law.

Finally, your attorney can handle the difficult matters to give you time to focus on recovering. It takes a lot to overcome sexual harassment, and you should worry about that instead of about litigating a trial.

Going through sexual harassment is never easy, especially when you try to do it alone. That’s why you need an experienced litigator on your side who can walk you through the legal process and advocate for you in court.

At the Fulton Law Corporation, we’re committed to helping our clients get through the tough times and let them focus on recovery while we fight the legal battles. We’ve helped many find justice, and we can help you, too. Contact us today to see how we can handle your case and get you the assistance you deserve.

Practice Areas

Employment Law

Employment Law

Class Actions

Class Actions



Hostile Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Wage & Hour Violations

Wage & Hour Violations

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower Retaliation

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

Male Sexual Harassment

Male Sexual Harassment


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Learn more about what the Fulton Law Corporation can offer our clients by scheduling your free case evaluation today. Get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form.

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