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Wrongful Termination Claim Reinstated by Appeals Court

California workers are protected from discrimination and wrongful termination under the California Labor Act. However, there are incidents where employees are still fired under questionable circumstances, which leads to some to file claims against companies for wrongful termination. If there is enough evidence in the case, the U.S. District Court will grant a review of the case. There are also situations where an appeals court can review the decision made by the district court.

This is what happened when a loan officer was fired from Wells Fargo bank in October 2014. Executives at the company said she was terminated because it had a reduced number of positions available. Yet, the woman argued that the company reorganized and reassigned responsibilities within the company. She believes her termination was based on retaliation and discrimination after she returned from having her baby. This was in direct violation of the California Family Rights Act.

After the initial review of the case, the U.S. District Court in Pasadena, California dismissed the case in favor of Wells Fargo. The woman then took the case to a federal appeals court, which decided to reinstate the claim.

When people are terminated under suspicious circumstances, they may want to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable attorney in California. A lawyer may help to answer any questions and help people determine whether there is sufficient evidence in the case. Attorneys can also represent victims of employment negligence by looking at the facts and building a strong case on their behalf.

Source: Business Insurance, “Wrongful termination charges against Wells Fargo Bank reinstated,” Judy Greenwald, Jun 21, 2018.

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