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Medical Workers Experience Harassment as Well

Medical professionals in California and throughout the country deal with sexual harassment at levels comparable to those in other fields. However, in spite of the #MeToo movement, sexual harassment in the medical field isn’t talked about as much as it is in other professions. While there is little reporting on the matter, there are gender discrimination lawsuits pending against employers such as Tulane University. Furthermore, a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that nearly half of female medical students experience harassment.

The high rates of gender discrimination and harassment in the medical field are attributed to a high level of male leadership. Examples of discrimination include not following instructions given by a female doctor or not being taken seriously by superiors. Female medical professionals are also more likely to receive negative performance reviews if they have children. There may also be a higher risk of complications during pregnancy because they can’t get time off.

Females in the medical field also face the prospect of being paid up to $96,000 per year less than their male counterparts. If a woman takes time off to take care of a child, that could cost her another $10,000 or more each year. This may have an impact on both a medical professional and the patients that this person cares for.

Those who have experienced unwanted sexual advances or heard lewd comments at work may be victims of sexual harassment. It may be possible to file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or file a lawsuit against an employer. An attorney may help an individual file the charge or assist in court. This may make it easier to obtain compensation for lost wages or other damages incurred related to improper treatment in the workplace.

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